Our Worship Gathering begins at 9:30am!
join us in-person or online
If you have trouble with the live video below, try our Youtube Channel here.
for the Week of December 15th22nd
Good Morning Whitehall Church!
On Tuesday at 7pm, we will celebrate Jesus’ birth with our Christmas Eve Candlelight Service . Join us for an hour of celebrating the birth of Jesus with music, singing Christmas songs, and ending with candle lighting.
Don’ forget to look in the Christmas Card box for cards that were given to you! The box is in the foyer across from the Help Desk.
Thanks to everyone that gave or served at this last week’s Hunger Initiative. We appreciate you!
Take note of the dates for our Life Groups on the back of the bulletin. With the holiday upon us, many groups are on break.
You are welcome to gather at any of our Life Groups. Dates, times, topics, and locations are listed:
The 7 Churches, Revelation 1-3 Study
Sunday, December 22nd at 6:00pm
with Pastor Tim @ Church
1 John Bible Study
Monday, December 30th at 6:30pm
with Mark Hargrove @ Church
Prayer Meeting @ Church
Thursday, December 26th at 7pm
Men’s Book Study, “Experiencing God”
Saturday, January 4th at 8am
with Laszlo Onody @ Church
Book of Acts Study Group
Wednesday, January 8th at 10am
with Pastor Tim @ Church
Ladies Romans Bible Study
Thursday, January 9th at 10am
with Shirley Hamm @ Church