This Sunday, we are back to our normal gathering time, 9:30am. Join us online or in-person!
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February 16 - delayed start

We will worship from 10:30-11:30am

Our Worship Gathering normally begins at 9:30am!

join us in-person or online

If you have trouble with the live video below, try our Youtube Channel here.

church news

For the Week of February 16th


Good Morning Whitehall Church!

Our next Hunger Initiative meal is in two days, Tuesday, February 18! Many helpers are needed for this event. Check out the signup sheets at the Help Desk to see where you can help. We need help the hours prior to the meal to set the tables, prepare the salad, and cut and wrap the desserts. We would be delighted to see new faces any time between 11am and 2pm to help prep the tables and desserts before the guests arrive.


The BFC Day of Prayer will be a time of prayer for those who are heavy on your heart and need Jesus. Cedar Crest Bible Fellowship Church will host a Day of Prayer this Saturday, March 22nd from 9am-noon. You can register at the link in the bulletin.


This Wednesday, February 19, is the signup deadline to register for the Christian Ethics in a Post-Christian World taking place on February 22 at the Cedar Crest BFC. With a speaker lineup of authors and scholars, including Dr. Mark Farnham, this conference will equip you with a biblical framework to face the ethical challenges of our day. Also, please note that although there is a registration cost, please don’t let this prevent you from coming. When signing up, you can bypass the fee if finances are the only obstacle to your attendance.


We want to show our love to our pastor with a monetary gift to him. If you would like to contribute, mark your check or envelope with “Pastor’s Gift”.


Life Groups are an important part of our church family. You’ll enjoy building friendships and having meaningful biblical discussions.  Dates and times are all listed on the back of today’s bulletin.


Beginning February 23rd and going through March 16th, during Sunday School, there will be a membership class for anyone interested in knowing more about what our church believes. By attending class, you do not have to become a member, but you will get your questions answered!


You are welcome to gather at any of our Life Groups.  Dates, times, topics, and locations are listed:

The 7 Churches, Revelation 1-3 Study

Sunday, February 16th at 6:00pm

with Pastor Tim @ Church


Book of Acts Study Group

Wednesday, February 19th at 10am

with Pastor Tim @ Church


Prayer Meeting @ Church

Thursday, February 20th at 7pm   


1 John Bible Study

Monday, February 24th at 6:30pm

with Mark Hargrove @ Church


Ladies Romans Bible Study

Thursday, February 27th at 10am

with Shirley Hamm @ Church


Men’s Book Study, “Experiencing God”

Saturday, March 1st at 8am

with Laszlo Onody @ Church


Our Mission "introducing ordinary people to extraordinary, ever-growing life in Jesus, our Savior."

Our Location

Whitehall Bible Fellowship Church
3300 Seventh Street
Whitehall, PA 18052

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