Our Worship Gathering
begins at 9:30am!
join us in-person or online
Sermon Notes
Fill Out Today’s Connection Card
Make a Gift
If you have trouble with the live video below, try our Youtube Channel here.
for the Week of January 19th
Good Morning Whitehall Church!
Remember to donate your old Christmas cards and calendars to Operation Christmas Child! We will cut off any of your personal information, put our name, address, and a personal note on each card, and stuff it inside each OCC box we pack. Your calendar pictures will be used to decorate the outside of any shoeboxes you have given us for OCC. So don’t throw out those cards and calendars, instead place them in the OCC crate in Fellowship Hall.
Plan to join us next Sunday, which is January 26, for our All-Church Potluck lunch and Congregational Meeting. Lunch starts at noon. Meeting begins at 1 o’clock. We welcome members and
non-members to this event. Grab a Report Book at any of the doors.
Looking ahead, our next Hunger Initiative is Tuesday February 18. And our Community Easter Egg Hunt is Saturday, April 12. If you are looking to serve, mark your calendars for either of these special events.
Life Groups are an important part of our church family. You’ll enjoy building friendships and having meaningful biblical discussions. Dates and times are all listed on the back of the bulletin.
You are welcome to gather at any of our Life Groups. Dates, times, topics, and locations are listed:
The 7 Churches, Revelation 1-3 Study
Sunday, January 19th at 6:00pm
with Pastor Tim @ Church
Book of Acts Study Group
Wednesday, January 22nd at 10am
with Pastor Tim @ Church
Ladies Romans Bible Study
Thursday, January 23rd at 10am
with Shirley Hamm @ Church
Prayer Meeting @ Church
Thursday, January 23rd at 7pm
1 John Bible Study
Monday, January 27th at 6:30pm
with Mark Hargrove @ Church
Men’s Book Study, “Experiencing God”
Saturday, February 1st at 8am
with Laszlo Onody @ Church