Our Worship Gathering begins at 9:30am!
join us in-person or online
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for the Week of February 9th
Good Morning Whitehall Church!
Our next Hunger Initiative meal is Tuesday, February 18. Many helpers are needed for this event. Check out the signup sheets at the Help Desk to see where you can help. If you are unable to serve during the meal, we always need help the hours before the meal to set the tables, prepare the salad, and cut and wrap the desserts. We would be delighted to see new faces helping to prepare in the hours prior to the serving of the meal. You can show up any time between 11am and 2pm to prep the tables and desserts.
Life Groups are an important part of our church family. You’ll enjoy building friendships and having meaningful biblical discussions. Dates and times are all listed on the back of today’s bulletin.
You are welcome to gather at any of our Life Groups. Dates, times, topics, and locations are listed: